Thursday, August 9, 2012

Reassure You, You.

Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer, that is what they say. These 'they' always saying stuff. To me, keeping your enemies closer would involve way to much energy that I don't want to expend on the negative. I mean after all we are barraged by an endless array of negative things daily. In fact I notice some people really get off acting negative and taking it to the hilt, as if it is some badge of honor, when indeed it is the opposite completely inane and ignorant. To be an ass hole or not, that is the question. Why? Is my question in regards, why would anyone think being a prick is an attractive trait? Since never! Because if you really think about it and eliminate ass behaviour from the thesimple ass we clearly see that some people do not know what ass hats they are being. So The Enlightened Bitch is here to tell you. Their is no good in bragging, their is no reward for being a flake to people around you, now sure sometimes it can't be avoided but that is not what I am talking about. I m talking about you talking about yourself, I m talking about beginning to lessen your greed by simply starting to listen better. Some talk and some listen, but when you find an even balance of the two you can begin to bring some awesome joy into your life. Think about the peace it will bring, instead of rattling off and talking incessantly you can just begin to find a certain comfortable glow, your mind a spot of zen. Not only that in listening to others you will hear their secrets and foibles, their pains and loves or just plain levity, another world for you to explore and relate to. Growth and trust are dependent on one another the way I see it, and when someone is a good listener it is appealing but when someone just glances your way with barley a bit of eye contact and a passing glance, what a turn off! You know what you think, you will judge and some will judge you and all I ask is you simply try to release any and all of your judging, for we are not God nor empirical and of some higher stance, we are simply human and we really need to begin to remember how to act like it. Start with yourself, your heart, your body, mind and spirit, just breathe it in, deep... hold and release my friend and go into that world with a feeling of love for when you do, I promise you the love, the light and the levity you put out will get returned to you, your smile will be contagious and your heart will grow lighter and you my friend will be a part of this world. In a warm and joyous comfortable place the heart will delight: the head will follow, you just keep cracking the whip on the head, for the mind will try to hold you down again and again, just remember- 'it's all in your head' so just get out of it, let go, remind yourself again. Hand to heart my love is worthy, you are of peace you are alright, you are loved.

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