Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Written words mean nothing

Oh God this case has taken hold of me again and given me the resolve to express my opinions once again! My heart is beating, my thoughts wrecked by the annoyance of an expert witness who is COMPLETELY INCAPABLE of answering a yes or no question. I have never seen such a hostile witness her name is Alyce LaViolette and she is a supposed expert in the arena of domestic abuse, she is also a big fan of cross talking the prosecutor, a prosecutor who has been waiting to make Jodi responsible for her crime for over 6 long years. This case is fraught attitude from the beginning, as soon as Jodi Arias came out- it was like Arias set the rules of  the court, not the judge, nor her "team"

Although you might not think much help would be needed determining a case where the defendant has admitted to the crime, sadly you would be wrong. A new day and age but really not new at all, just more prevalent. It is an age where we all have fabulous phones that connect to the internet an age where we can get instant information at the tip of our fingers, and it has got to be the biggest me generation since the 80's. An age where we as arrogant humans tend to think we are celebrities do to our Face Book pages and instant web sites where we can spew any belief we choose. An age where people want fame more than anything and the tale of Jodi Arias and crew are no different.

Arias defense attorney Kurt Nurmi has tried to call for countless mistrials over misconduct and his latest attempt was ill fated once again, citing defense attorney Juan Martinez was essentially a media whore for signing an autograph once walking out the front door, this challenge falls upon deaf ears for what I understand this is a man who has been working on this case since 2008. He is not here for 300 bucks an hour, he is not here to make up stories to defend an admitted killer,
Something about this case really hits home for many of us watching.