Monday, May 21, 2012

Casting Stones

You know we all have our own faults and weaknesses but yet, we as the human race love to dissect and complicate the world of our fellow human's by well, getting up in their stuff. What I m saying is with all that we have to worry about in this world (and their is some serious trappings we need consider) the last thing we need pontificate on is is what other's are doing with their lives, what are you doing with yours?

While we might continually love to cast the first stone, how often do we turn that back on our-self and ask "just what good do I do here on this planet?" Or do we simply slip into a familiarity of a hideous mode of criticizing and cruelty? We often tend to be the first to think how fat someone is; or if they 'act retarded,' the fact we even say such inane bull shit is beyond me.

But yet I do it too, I do it because it is an insidious, almost cultural trap, one we ourselves have created and one we need now put to rest. It is our own arrogance, it is often simple to find a temporary solution to reducing our own intolerant attitudes & critical comments, as simple as who we choose to hang out with, and as simple as speaking up when you disagree.

It is said we seek in others that which we need to learn in ourselves, and I find this accurate for I keep seeking, I keep seeking an answer; and I seek peace too, peace of mind, not particularly a piece of the action. To me ' a piece of the action' is merely an earthly trapping and you must always stay aware what is you and what is merely a part of you.

You are not your business, you are not your monetary worth, you are far greater than that my friend. You can choose to be a person of great value and worth, and yet having nothing to do with money. To begin on this course start with The Enlightening Bitch rule number one) stop wasting time bitching because no one wants to know about it! Instead we seek peace.

I had been seeking piece of mind for many years when I go back and really ponder. When at 15 in an abusive relationship (almost impossible to avoid at that age, so mamas don't be in denial, watch your kids.) I looked to find a piece of mind, a piece of mind that was not hurting, scared nor in pain.Before that I was searching for a different peace, a peace that would not feel the ache of hunger, a piece of mind to not feel so all alone.

The outcome: moving out of my moms, pregnant at 15, living in a home with food, and with companionship, and, with beatings.Which was worse my friend and loyal reader? Living in one home with no electricity, no food, no furniture, loaded hand guns hanging out, or living in a home with all the creature comforts but a few beatings tossed in?

As a child in Las Vegas I had no real religion in my face, yet invariably I found myself in some bizarre church setting. Early on in Las Vegas I had my first experience with not finding God, my kind and gentle neighbor's asked my mom if she would allow them to take me to church, she said yes and my adventure began. The church's name alone was creepy enough, called the 'Bride Of Christ' as a child it elicited in me base images of a sexy honeymoon night, God's bride dressed in Frederic's Of Hollywood, black stilletoes and a smile, 'Bride Of Christ,' really?

I would this attend this church only once, but it wasn't that the people didn't appear nice, it wasn't that they didn't offer me food, what it did offer was a 'one size fits all'  design that, even at 12 yrs old, I knew was not, could not explain nor contain the answers I was still unknowingly seeking. I keep seeking, even without faith in a God, I keep seeking a mysterious and magnificent human spiritual experience so undeniable in it's breath taking awesomeness, it humbles us.

It dwells within' of you, it dwells within' me, this place where on occasion we may stumble into its glories all aglow so much like love. It is our big world and it will swallow you whole if you do not keep seeking, loving and taking care to not forget to love, keep seeking that peace with in you. Seek to not follow the path of cruelty and suffering, seek to not bitch so much, seek to find that which is your peace in you my friend.

And do not forget that in order to find peace one must demonstrate a peaceful intention, seeking to eliminate hate and intolerance wherever possible, especially when it may be bred inside you, you are a true champion when you can begin to overcome that. I wrote a blog called 'Never Black Or White' in which I shared how our hate is often like a genetic virus passed down from father to son a virus we all share into some extent or another. The antidote, the medicine required for the next step is simply your opened mind, so stay aware and join me here on my blog where I will share some sayings, exercises and techniques you can use in everyday life to strengthen the divine within yourself and therefore illuminating it to those around you.

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