Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lifted By Life

Life and death link each of our lives unlike anything else. We are born into life unknowing and unafraid. Babies with bright eyes and hungry mouths. It is our natural instinct to protect, love, and care for these big eyed babies! Spending time with them we are reminded of our own mortality. Later, we grow old, although sometimes we do not. Suddenly we are wandering down life's last path. Like the magic of birth, there is equal magic in death. Death is as sacred as it is profound. Death was catalyst of my deepest personal growth. I am not a religious person, to the contrary. "God" led into "in the name of God" which leads to unscrupulous displays that silent the needs of many, whilst it annihilates others. Although this new way 'of God' (TV evangelists etc,) appears to be clearly wrong and overused, we still accept and even buy into it. God's sacred scriptures get used like a weapon to divide and conquer in confounded interpretation. Most are afraid to talk to talk of death or dying, choosing just as soon too avoid it all toigether. Death is taboo in our culture, akin to having no opinion on a Christian God. I learned how desperately we need to remove our of fears surrounding death and dying soon after I graduated AIDS 101,emotional caregiving, and dementia courses. My friend was grieving for her younger brother who recently died in a tragic auto accident. I took an educated guess, I knew she missed him and I asked if she had 'checked in' with him and how she was dealing with overwhelming thoughts of his death. It was the first time I addressed a painful topic so easily, it made sense to be open and honest. My friend so full of love, began to cry and let it out. This turned into a great lesson, one I hope will enlighten others. She thanked me for asking which did surprise me, explaining how she desired to talk, to share stories of her brother. She said that no one would, and when she brought it up the topic would quickly change. This is why I often write of death, it, so we lose our discomfort and learn. Our own excuses disguise themselves as concern instead of protection from discomfort. I hope to alter your thinking about death and begin to open up new ideas and thinking. We are all guilty of false reasoning and it is easy to do. Terrible, helpless emotions come up, we find ourselves at a loss for words. Our basic mind reasons that we do not want to upset the bereaved or make them cry- be depressed. We tell our self that it is more polite if we do not bring up death. It continues further into the grieving process when we next convince our self that mentioning the dead will cause PTSD possibly making them upset and sad. This is also a great Untrue~ you cannot remind of that, they cannot forget it someone silly!! Grief from Death and the dying process are unlike any other. Although grief follows the same steps, the order of those steps is never the same. I hope I have de-mystified death just a little. I really enjoy feedback and answering questions and sharing your thoughts. Remember the power of your words can be an inspiration of hope or guidance as we quest towards enlightenment.

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